December 7, 2021

Refining the 2-In-1 Step Method for Kintsugi Ceramic Repair

        Last time I gave y’all a thorough review of 6 different kintsugi methods you can choose from based on the needs of your pot-mending situation. After completing this review, out of respect for my current situation as a graduate student with limited time and funds, I opted to try one of the simplest methods - the "2-in-1 Step Method: Oozing Colored Epoxy". As I previously described, this method requires the least supplies, hands-on steps, and wait time while providing a durable end product. Because this method had concerns regarding control of the aesthetic quality, my next question was whether these limitations could be improved upon. Hence, today's article covers several trial pots I repaired with this method to observe and tweak the 2-in-1 Step technique. My results from the final pot I repaired (see below) advance the 2-in-1 Step Method as it demonstrates the ability to use this method to cleanly fill large missing pieces in some circumstances, which has not previously been reported. Combined with the careful application of the colored epoxy, this technique may now be closer to the quality associated with the more complicated kintsugi repair techniques.

        My recommendations for an improved 2-in-1 Step protocol can be found at the end of this article.
    The result of my final kintsugi repair using the 2-in-1 Step Method: Oozing Colored Epoxy.
    This piece had a large missing piece and some small gaps from smaller missing pieces which made it extra challenging for this technique.

    October 26, 2021

    Broken Bonsai Pot? No Problem! Modern Methods for Ceramic Repair Through Kintsugi

               Whether from poor packaging or handling during shipping, a strong wind, a pet-related accident, or just our own clumsiness, everyone in bonsai eventually has to deal with the frustration of a broken bonsai pot. If you found this article because this recently happened to you, don't despair. You do have options. You could repair the pot so the cracks from its catastrophe are barely visible, but in the esoteric world of bonsai aesthetics, generations of Japanese ceramics before us have developed a more artistic way to mend broken pots - this is the process known as kintsugi. 
            This article began from my own research into methods of kintsugi repair so I could repair one of my broken pots.  Like in other areas of bonsai, there is a centuries-old, established, traditional technique but there are also more modern methods that can make the process of mending pots faster, simpler, and cheaper. The objective of this article is straightforward - find step-by-step information that is doable for an amateur (like me), and then narrow down potential methods by expected durability, quality of end product, time to complete the repair, cost of materials, and convenience to locate said materials. To evaluate this list of considerations, I summarized the pros and cons of each method according to my findings and interviews with people who have tried each technique (See the summary table at the end for the short version). Finally, I modified the winning kintsugi repair protocol for use on my pot and I will share that process & result next time.

    August 13, 2021

    Crazy for Catalpa! Bonsai prospects for an unusual North American native

             If you're familiar with the northern catalpa, Catalpa speciosa, then you know it's a pretty strange tree and certainly not one which you would expect to be used for bonsai. Maybe it's a fool's errand for me to attempt to tame a tree with 12" leaves and 20" seed pods, however something about that staccato, memorable name has got me captivated. I've been observing specimen of it everywhere I go around Columbus as it is one of the more easily identifiable naive trees around - so much so, I've even got my girlfriend shouting "Catalpa!" every time we pass one. From this foundation, basic identification skills had led me to observe the species more intimately. As with any unknown species, the more scenarios you observe a specimen, the more you can observe its potential for bonsai. In the case of the catalpa, observations of a full-sized specimen, the seeding frequency of seeded, the fast growth of those volunteers, and the discovery of one naturally stunted catalpa all inform my plans to experiment with this species for bonsai.


    Catalpa is capable of producing a variety of leaf sizes. The left-most leaf is typical for a healthy catalpa, while the right leaves are from a naturally stunted catalpa.

    July 23, 2021

    Roberta Walters' Azaleas 101 - A Guide to Seasonal Azalea Care

                Few species of bonsai can compete with the visual intrigue produced by an azalea in full bloom. For that reason, today I have to resist the flowery temptation to write a full on history of their use in bonsai and review manual for Azalea techniques (maybe someday...). Instead, I'll whet your appetite with a more manageable intro to azalea-specific information through long-lost excerpts from one of California's premier azalea expert, Roberta Walters. While the full playlist of Roberta's demonstration is available on the Puget Sound Bonsai Association's Youtube Channel, this article is intended to serve as a guide to how each clip of Roberta's discussions fits into seasonal work that can be done on your azalea bonsai.


    This old azalea by Dan Robinson (collected decades ago by his first student. Frank) is a prime example of their potential spring beauty. Although it is already covered with pink flowers, this tree is still a few days away from peak bloom. At that time it would be so covered in pink that you can't even see the leaves! It's no wonder this tree won the People's Choice Award at the 2017 PSBA Spring Show.

    April 21, 2021

    A Case Study for Applying the Water and Sugar Equations - Repotting the Risky Rose

    Source material: 3/19/2021

                Hola bonsai amigos! Today is a great day because not only does your friendly neighborhood microbiologist (me!) receive his second Covid vaccine dose, but my immunized arms also come bearing another present to the bonsai community. As spring continues to march on, so too does the blog's coverage of my giant rosebush bonsai - this time the rose's latest repot reveals two fundamental equations of life to consider when manipulating bonsai or any plant.

                The "Risky Rose" was the second major repot I did this year; returning readers will recall from last week's post that this operation involved another of the largest trees in my collection - a yardadori/landscape origin rosebush turned bonsai. As discussed in the previous post, now that the tree has recovered several years after its initial transplanting endured a cross-country move and survived its first Ohio winter, our rose has definitely earned renewed attention this year. For now, I'm calling it the "Risky Rose" because it needed severe root reduction in order to change its planting angle and lift the upper half of the trunk out of the pot. Read on to understand the motivations behind this bold action, including what steps were taken to ensure this radical root reduction could be done safely.

                As with my last repotting post, "Repotting The Monster Mulberry - Revisiting the Basics", this repot was done with the help of my friend in the Columbus Bonsai Society, Kevin. Thanks, Kevin!


    April 13, 2021

    Origins of the Risky Rose & Steps for Transplant Recovery

     Source material: 2/09/2018

                As the weather continues to warm up and frosts become rarer here in Ohio, repotting season is on its tail end - if you're not already finished with it. I'm hoping to squeeze in my last few this week and also plan ahead for future bonsai by sowing my newest batch of seeds. In the spirit of finishing the repotting season, I was also planning to post the second major repot I did this year - once which involves substantial risk and reward. For now, that's all you'll get about it because, in the spirit of breaking my habit of writing overly long articles, today we have to first take a trip back in time and discuss the history of my gargantuan rosebush landscape-origin/yardadori prebonsai. It has perhaps the largest trunk rose I've seen in the bonsai world (not that they're a common bonsai subject to begin with!).


    1. History of the Risky Rose
    2. Current Repot Operation (Next post)
    3.  Blog Announcements

    Possible planting angle #1 (This is how it was originally buried).

    March 23, 2021

    Repotting The Monster Mulberry - Revisiting the Basics

    Source material: 3/16/2021

                After a few weeks of being buried in snow, last week my larch seedlings started setting off alarm bells with green needles bursting from their dormant buds. "REPOTTING SEASON IS HERE, GET YOUR A@# INTO HIGH GEAR!" - is probably what they were telling me. I quickly reorganized my work and homework schedule to make the past week as bonsai-focused as possible for this narrow springtime window. While spring is also the perfect time for planting seeds, today we will discuss the first of a handful of major repots I did last week. Today's repotting report focuses on one of the largest trees in my collection at the moment - a yardadori/landscape origin mulberry tree.

                This repot was done with the help of my friend in the Columbus Bonsai Society, Kevin. Kevin grew up around Portland, Oregon and moved to Ohio just a year or two before I moved back. It's been great having another PNW native person to talk bonsai with. Thanks for your help building the grow box, Kevin! Y'all will definitely see more of him in future projects on this blog 😉.


    First up: The Monster Mulberry with a falling apart plastic pot (hence the need for the repot).

    February 22, 2021

    Seed Experiment #1 - Survival Methods for Early Germinators (Brewer's Oak)

    Source content: 12/20/2020

    Hellooooooo bonsai world! It’s been a minute since I posted but I'm happy to report I am alive and well in Ohio. To celebrate surviving the first semester of my Ph.D. program, it's only fitting that my first blog post of 2021 focuses on a bonsai experiment I'm designing - the first of many I have in mind.

    Of course, throughout the move to Columbus and starting graduate school, maintaining my bonsai collection has remained a priority even if new articles and videos were put on hold. In August, I packed my trees into a UHaul and drove my trimmed-down collection across the country. Since then, I’ve also found time to scout for local Ohio yamadori, service trees for my first local client, attend two workshops at Yume-en (Rob Hoffman’s new bonsai nursery in Marysville, OH), assemble my first grow tent for overwintering my tropicals, collect new seeds stock for 2021, and join the Columbus Bonsai Society’s Board for 2021. All of these and more from my archive could be future blog posts so stay tuned!


    A young Brewer's oak seedling emerges!

    January 28, 2021

    Where's Bernie?? Bonsai Edition


    1. Bernie in Elandan Gardens
    2. Bernie as a Mudman
    3. Blog Announcements

              No doubt most of you have seen the meme going around this week based on Senator Bernie Sanders braving the inauguration day cold bearing his now-iconic mittens and practical Vermontian fashion sense. Political leanings aside, Bernie's inauguration sighting has quickly exploded on the internet as netizens place the Senator in their own photos around the world. The senator is even selling T-shirts and sweatshirts featuring his inaugural meme and is donating 100% of the proceeds to Vermont charities like Meals-on-Wheels which helps feed low-income seniors. Naturally, I had to join in on the fun! Not only is this meme a good opportunity for some Bernie bonsai sightings, but I'm also glad to have the excuse to go through my old Elandan Gardens photos and to play around in Photoshop again. Without further ado, enjoy my Bernie-fied walk down memory lane at Elandan Gardens including some experimental ideas with Bernie standing in for traditional Chinese mudman figurines.

              So sit back and enjoy the refreshing taste of this fresh can of memes I've cracked open for you. If you need to spice up that work-from-home life, feel free to use these as ZOOM backgrounds or you can put Bernie in your own photos through this free photoshop-esque template

    Bernie at Elandan Gardens

    Bernie admiring one of the many old ponderosa pines by collected and styled by Dan Robinson.