June 7, 2022

The Story of Chase Rosade: The Humble American Bonsai Pioneer - Bonsai Time Podcast Ep 05

             The Bonsai Time Podcast is back! For our fifth episode, Kevin traveled to Rosade Bonsai Studios to interview a man by the name of Chase Rosade. This interview covers many seasons of Chase's life over his 50 years in the bonsai scene including the 8-month and 10,000 km journey he took to reach Japan; his initial training at a bonsai nursery in Japan; stories from collecting yamadori with John Naka, Ben Oki, Dan Robinson, and Larry Jackal; and Chase also shares details about the contributions of his late wife, Solita Rosade, to the world bonsai scene. Chase and Kevin covered a lot of ground in this interview; we hope it will inform and entertain you and invite you into the world of Chase Rosade!

                Note: Chase is one of several prominent bonsai artists who will be in attendance at the upcoming Columbus Bonsai Society 50th Annual Show taking place in September. See here or www.columbusbonsai.org for more information.

Video interview available here:

Podcast format available here:

June 6, 2022

Recapping the 1st Annual Columbus Bonsai Society Invasive Yamadori Dig with the Columbus Metro Parks

Source Material: April 2022

            As spring continues to hum right into summer here in Ohio, let's continue our series on the invasive honeysuckle species common in the eastern US. As already outlined in the previous article in the series, several distinct species of invasive honeysuckle (genus Lonicera) are similar in their characteristics, similarly suitable for bonsai, and have even yielded some show-quality bonsai specimens by prominent artists. These species are the Japanese honeysuckle/Lonicera japonica, Amur honeysuckle/Lonicera maackii, Morrow's honeysuckle/Lonicera morrowii, and Tatarian honeysuckle/Lonicera tatarica (see here for more info on these species and their bonsai suitability). Furthermore, the fact that these species are invasive makes them a doubly attractive candidate for practicing collection of wild bonsai due to their abundance and the many interested landowners who are eager to be rid of them! The topic of collecting these wild prebonsai specimens brings us to today's topic - recapping the creation of a collaborative event with the Columbus Metro Parks to remove these unwanted invasive honeysuckles from city parkland and save them for members of the Columbus Bonsai Society (CBS). This event focused on invasive species removal could be a model for bonsai practitioners in areas where public land does not normally permit tree collection and for those who live in urban areas without access to private land for wild bonsai collection. 


  1. Invasive Japanese Honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica & related species.) for Bonsai (last time)
    1. Examples of Honeysuckle Bonsai
    2. Identifying Candidate Honeysuckle for Bonsai
    3. Observations & Comments on their Suitability as Bonsai
      1. Ability to Ramify
      2. Response to Trunk Chops
      3. Wood Durability/Deadwood
      4. Wiring Branches
      5. Shallow Root Systems
  2. Recapping the first annual Columbus Bonsai Society Invasive Yamadori Dig with the Columbus Metro Parks (this time)
    1. Event Motivation & Creation
    2. Event/Collected Trees Album
    3. Event Potential for Future Years
  3. Invasive Trees & Shrubs with Known Bonsai Potential (next time)
  4. Blog Announcements
  5. References

The botany professor-style hat proves function > fashion whether digging in the sun or rain! Also pictured, my new 8-foot honeysuckle raft which occupied the entire length of my SUV. This is one bonsai that will likely just live at home permanently, or perhaps in the future, I will divide it into 2 trees that are more portable.