- Event Overview
- Where & When!
- Vendors & Guest Artists in Attendance
- Workshop Schedule & Details
- Raffle and Sponsor Details
- Why & How to Exhibit Trees
- Why & How to Volunteer
- Bonsai Time Podcast Interviews with CBS Show Vendors/Artists

I. Event Overview
II. Where & When!
Event Schedule
Open to the Public (Exhibit, Vendors, Workshop Spectators, Raffles, and more!):
- Saturday, 7/20/24, 10am-5pm
- Sunday, 7/21/2024, 9am-5pm
- SAT 7/20/2024
- 10am-12pm Jason Parrish / Kawa No Oka Bonsai - Twisted Scots pines
- 12pm-3pm Kyle Boldy / Pot Punching Potters - Mature Shimpaku junipers
- 3pm-5pm Trey Gilmore / Kota Bonsai - Hawaiian Umbrella Tree Forests
- SUN 7/21/2024
- 9-11am Rob Hoffman / Yume-en Bonsai - Japanese Black Pines
- 11am-1pm Ryan Huston / In Vivo Bonsai - Ficus Rock Slab Plantings
- 1-3pm Ken Huth / Ken's World of Bonsai - Shohin Kingsville boxwoods
- 3-5pm Kevin Faris - Beginner Juniper Styling
Raffle Drawings:
- 1 PM and 4PM each day.
Chadwick Arboretum Tours Led by Dr. Laura Deeter
- SAT 7/20/2024
- SUN 7/21/2024
Setup, Tree Drop off, Tree pick up:
- Friday, 7/19/2024, 12-6pm.
- (Please drop off all trees on Friday if possible. Tree carpooling with members in your area may be possible. If you must drop off on Saturday morning, you MUST be in contact with the tree curator so he knows what to set aside space for during Friday setup.)
- Saturday, 7/19/2024, 8-10am.
- Sunday, 5-7pm.
III. Vendors & Guest Artists in Attendance
IV. Workshop Schedule & Details
Workshop registration & check-in info:
After reviewing the summary and schedule of workshops below, you can reserve your spots at the CBS web store here. Please reserve your workshop spots by Wednesday, 7/17/2024 as this will ensure you get the spots you want! We will be letting the vendors know how many people are registered for their workshop in advance so they can plan for the supplies they will bring as we know their space is limited. Also, If you register for a workshop after Wednesday 7/17/24, your name may not make it onto the list of registered participants for check-in and you will have to bring a receipt or have one accessible in your email/phone on the day of the event for verification. If the vendor runs out of supplies, we will refund late check-ins but let's avoid that issue if possible. On the day of the event, remaining workshop spots may still be purchased online through the CBS online store or via cash/check on the day of the event, with a receipt at the workshop check-in station. Late availability is not guaranteed. Contact our treasurer/workshop coordinator with any questions – Ryan / invivobonsai @ Lastly, CBS Members receive a discount compared to non-members. You can join CBS here. Membership will be verified at workshop check-in.
Workshop Schedule and Info:
- Saturday 7/20/24
- 10:00 AM -12:00 PM - Twisted Scott's Pine Workshop with Jason Parrish / Kawa No Oka Bonsai [Outdoor; all levels]
- Members: $55/person, non-members: $60/person; limit 10 participants. Each participant should bring wire (1mm-5mm; will be available for sale), basic tools.
- Join our Twisted Scott’s Pine Bonsai Workshop designed for intermediate learners. In this hands-on session, you'll learn advanced techniques for wiring, pruning, and shaping a Scott’s Pine bonsai into a twisted form. You will be guided through the process, which will help you enhance your skills and create a unique bonsai.
- 12:00 PM - 03:00 PM - Mature Shimpaku Juniper Styling Workshop with Kyle Boldy / Pot Punching Potters [Outdoor; Intermediate-Advanced]
- Small: $83/person, medium: $165/person, large: #248/person; limit 10 participants. Each participant should bring tools and wire.
- Raw Shimpaku cleaning and setting a design. Will not have a finished piece by the end. 2-4 hours. 3 sizes are available to choose from. The small trees are 3-5 years old with a trunk around .2-.5 inches. They are mostly for mame or shohin styling. They are very beginner plants that need to be wire and cleaned. The medium trees are 5 -7 trees they are roughly .75 inch to 1.5 inches thick. They have good branching and need to be cleaned and wire. Lastly, the large ones are 8-10 years roughly 1.5 inch to 2.5 inch trunks with lots of branches and will make a nice medium size bonsai.
- 03:00 PM - 05:00 PM - Beginner Mini-Indoor Umbrella Tree Forest Workshop with Trey Gilmore / Kota Bonsai [Indoor; beginner]
- Members: $60, non-members: $66; limit 10 participants. Participants should bring tools and wire if you have them but not necessary.
- Join Trey for a beginner focused mini-forest planting of an easy indoor species — dwarf Hawaiian Umbrella tree. You will take home one of your own in a local potter’s custom made ceramic forest pot. All construction of the forest, knowledge about the species, and aftercare will be included in this workshop!
- Sunday 7/21/24
- 09:00 AM -11:00 AM - Japanese Black Pine Workshop with Rob Hoffman / Yume-en Bonsai [outdoor; all levels]
- Members: $83/person, non-members: $90/person; limit 10 participants. Participants should bring tools and wire.
- Learn how to take care of and style Japanese Black Pines.
- 11:00 AM - 01:00 PM - Ficus Slab Rock Planting Basics Workshop with Ryan Huston / In Vivo Bonsai [indoor; all levels]
- Members: $61/person, non-members: $66/person; limit 10 participants. Participants should bring tools and wire if they have them but not necessary. Be ready to get dirty!
- Learn how to make slab rock plantings, the theory behind rock and tree species selection, the materials needed, and the artistic impact of rugged slab rock plantings. After this workshop you will take home not only the knowledge to make your own rock bonsai plantings in the future but also a ficus prebonsai that you yourself will have conducted initial styling on and planted on a rock slab. All materials are included. This is an advanced and uncommon technique in bonsai but anyone can learn it! No experience or tools necessary to participate but bring your bonsai tools if you have them. Tree, rock, moss, muck, and loaner tools and recycled bonsai wires will be provided.
Small flat rock assortment for the workshop. Small flat rock assortment for the workshop. Ficus material for the workshop. Some have more flexible trunks whereas others are a bit older. You will be taught how to bend the trunk if you wish. Sample rock planting (privet). Sample rock planting (barberry). Sample rock planting (barberry). - 01:00 PM - 3:00 PM - 15yr+ Morris Midget Boxwood Workshop with Ken Huth / Ken's World of Bonsai [outdoor; all levels]
- Members: $50/person, non-members: $54/person; limit 10 participants. Participants should bring tools and wire.
- Learn to style this naturally dwarf, outdoor hardy boxwood variety into a small beautiful bonsai.
- 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM - Juniper Bonsai Beginner Styling Workshop with Kevin Faris [outdoor; beginner].
- Members: $50/person, non-members: $55/person; limit 10 participants. Participants should bring tools and wire if they have them but not necessary.
- Are you eager to dive into the world of bonsai but uncertain about where to begin? Join our workshop focused on beginner bonsai techniques, featuring 4 to 5-year-old pre-bonsai juniper trees. Explore the art of styling and learn essential horticultural insights specific to Juniper bonsai. Whether you're a novice or a seasoned enthusiast, discover the dos and don'ts of plant selection, branch management, and styling. I provide plants, tools, and wire—just bring your enthusiasm! Got your own tools or bonsai wire? Feel free to bring them along. Bring your own bonsai trees too, and let's discuss them together as a class.
V. Raffle Details
VI. How to Exhibit Trees
- Tree drop-off to the visitor center will be 12pm-6pm Friday and 8am-10am (preferably on the earlier side!) Saturday.
- Tree pick-up will be 5pm-6:30pm Sunday.
VII. Why and How to Volunteer?
- Volunteers will be needed for set up, Friday 12pm-6pm and Saturday 8am-10am.
- Volunteers will be needed throughout the show 10am-5pm on Saturday and 10am-5pm Sunday.
- Lastly, volunteers are needed for tear-down on Sunday, 5pm-7pm.
This is fantastic! I'm excited for the 52nd Annual Columbus Bonsai Society Show. Can't wait to see the stunning displays and learn from fellow bonsai enthusiasts. See you all there on July 20-21!