Consignment Trees for Sale

            I have some local bonsai friends who are downsizing their collection to focus on fewer trees and family. Bulk deals are available on this page, feel free to contact me to inquire about the below trees or to inquire about my consignment arrangements.

Local Pickup & Upcoming Possible Delivery Dates, Routes, and Policy:

I am based in Columbus, OH where local pickup is always available. I also occasionally visit neighboring states for bonsai shows or other events. I will deliver trees, soil, pots, etc of $50 or more within a 0.5 hour detour from my route. For bigger detours, we can discuss (

Upcoming Dates and Locations/Routes of travel (all originating from Columbus, OH) for possible delivery and local bonsai shows we can meet at.

KF01 - Elm Bonsai Forest

Roughly a 15 tree (Chinese?) Elm forest. The trees are all 2 years old. Potted up last year and just recently trimmed to promote ramification and provide options for future changes of direction in the trunks since they were getting leggy. Asking $125 OBO

KF02 - Willow

            Roughly a 4-year-old willow prebonsai. It was just recently trimmed to shape as it was allowed to grow tall to thicken the trunk. Asking $50 OBO.

KF03 - Yoshino Cherry

            Age 5+ years. It has lots of low branches but they need to be allowed to thicken to become proportional to the trunk. Currently, they are a good size to be wired though. The trunk is an attractive size for shohin potentially. Asking $60 OBO.

KF09 - Chinese Juniper

             This is a raw prebonsai Juniper. A local Ohio person has been keeping it as a bonsai for the past 20 years so it is deceptively old! Once you inspect closely you can see the trunk character which is only achieved through age. It can use some refinement wiring and fertilizing. It was repotted this year. $125 OBO.

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