Yew Bonsai for Sale

About Yews As Shrubs, Pests and Diseases, and Bonsai Trees

            More yew articles coming soon! I have 1 brief article where I previously shared a styling I did with some nursery stock yew material. Yews are shade tolerant, flexible, backbud relatively well for a conifer, and their deadwood is extremely durable. I have not observed much disease on them at all but occasionally they may get low levels of scale insects which are easily removed by hand.

Ryan's Yew Bonsai for Sale

            The yew bonsai and prebonsai options I have for sale are bonsai pictured below; all are all rescues from landscaping redesigns. These are available for pickup in Columbus, OH at my nursery or you may contact me ( with inquiries. Sometimes I travel to neighboring states so delivery may be a possibility with a 10% non-refundable deposit to hold the tree for you. Suggested prices are listed but feel free to make an offer.

Local Pickup & Upcoming Possible Delivery Dates, Routes, and Policy:

I am based in Columbus, OH where local pickup is always available. I also occasionally visit neighboring states for bonsai shows or other events. I will deliver trees, soil, pots, etc of $50 or more within a 0.5 hour detour from my route. For bigger detours, we can discuss (

Upcoming Dates and Locations/Routes of travel (all originating from Columbus, OH) for possible delivery and local bonsai shows we can meet at.

Yews dug by plumbers in 2023. In this picture the far left and far right survived. 

The following pictures are from fall 2023. The trees are all pushing new growth now in 2024 and can be pruned back to promote backbudding. I will do so myself if I still have them! Ask for updated pictures if interested.

Big Yew #1 

Yew 1 side 1. Dug June 2023, pictured in fall of 2023, and has survived and is now growing vigorously. Asking $275 OBO. It has excellent trunk, deadwood, and backbudding. Ready for initial styling.

Yew 1 side 2. Dug June 2023, pictured in fall of 2023, and has survived and is now growing vigorously. Asking $275 OBO. It has excellent trunk, deadwood, and backbudding. Ready for initial styling.

Big Yew #2

Yew 2. Dug June 2023, pictured in fall of 2023, and has survived and is now growing vigorously. Asking $225 OBO. It has excellent trunk, deadwood, and backbudding. This one was beat up more by the plumbers when it came out but that will just make for more interesting deadwood! Ready for initial styling.

Big Yew #3

Yew 3. Dug June 2023, pictured in fall of 2023, and has survived and is now growing vigorously. Asking $125 OBO. It has excellent trunk, deadwood, and backbudding but much more of the vigorous growth is at the extremities. It will need more time to recover to induce backbudding or possibly some grafting. It has some smaller interior shoots currently, but they need time to thicken and become more useful. I would give this one an additional year before trying any styling.

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